The NEVI Awards Dashboard tracks electric vehicle (EV) charging sites funded by states through the National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) program. The State NEVI Action tab shows progress states have made in implementing the NEVI program. The Award Data page provides a comprehensive look at awards announced and site-specific details, whereas the Analysis page allows an in-depth comparison of specific features of the site.

The data represented in this dashboard is based on either information provided directly from the state or taken from publicly available sources. Any discrepancies between the data displayed in this Dashboard and data provided directly by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation elsewhere is due to slightly different data sources and/or update schedules and should be minor. The Methodology section below the dashboard has more detail about source and frequency of updates.

Fiscal year funding data and corridor miles for each state is taken from the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation. Corridor miles represent Alternative Fuel Corridor rounds 1-7.

Site-specific information included in this dashboard is primarily sourced from publicly available information, such as a state’s NEVI website or press release. In some cases, NASEO or AASHTO received data directly from state officials within either an energy office or department of transportation. The source for each state’s data is listed under the Data Updates section, below. Any discrepancies between the data displayed in this Dashboard and data provided directly by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation elsewhere is due to slightly different data sources and/or update schedules and should be minor.

Whether via direct contact or through public websites, each state made a unique subset of data available so there are many states for which certain information is unknown and is marked as such in the dashboard. In particular, some states did not publicly report the number of ports funded and are thus not included in total port counts funded through NEVI.

Disadvantaged community designation is based on the Climate and Economic Justice Screening Tool.

In all instances, reference to “State” includes Puerto Rico and the District of Columbia. Under the NEVI Formula Program, the term “State” is given the same meaning as in section 101 of title 23, United States Code. Under 23 U.S.C. 101(a)(27), State means any of the 50 States, the District of Columbia, or Puerto Rico.

Acronyms used throughout this dashboard include:

  • ADA: Americans with Disabilities Act
  • CCS: Combined Charging System
  • DCFC: Direct Current Fast Charger
  • FY: Fiscal Year
  • J3400/NACS: North American Charging Standard
  • kW: Kilowatt
  • RFP: Request for Proposals

Site status is updated as Atlas becomes aware of a status change, either through press releases or a direct update from the state. In the table below, a blank row indicates that no funding has been awarded.

State Date Last Updated Source State Date Last Updated Source
Alabama 7/30/2024 Website Montana
Alaska 5/16/2024 State Contact Nebraska
Arizona 9/9/2024 Website Nevada
Arkansas 7/30/2024 Website New Hampshire 7/29/2024 Website
California 10/11/2024 State Contact New Jersey 12/13/2024 Website
Colorado 1/9/2024 Round 1: State Contact
Round 2 & 3: Website
New Mexico 7/1/2024 State Contact
Connecticut 7/30/2024 Website New York 11/27/2024 Website
Delaware 11/27/2024 Website North Carolina 9/13/2024 Website
District of Columbia 10/21/2024 Website North Dakota
Florida Ohio 11/26/2024 Round 1: State Contact
Round 2: Website
Georgia 5/16/2024 State Contact Oklahoma 7/29/2024 Website
Hawaii 11/4/2024 Website Oregon 10/25/2024 Website
Idaho Pennsylvania 9/9/2024 Website
Illinois 9/9/2024 Website Puerto Rico 11/27/2024 Website
Indiana 6/27/2024 State Contact Rhode Island 7/17/2024 State Contact
Iowa 10/11/2024 Website South Carolina
Kansas 10/22/2024 Rounds 1: State Contact
Round 2: Website
South Dakota
Kentucky 12/23/2024 Rounds 1 & 2: State Contact
Round 3: Website
Tennessee 7/29/2024 Website
Louisiana Texas 12/18/2024 Website
Maine 11/27/2024 State Contact Utah 1/22/2025 Website
Maryland 7/20/2024 Website Vermont 12/17/2024 Website
Massachusetts Virginia 12/6/2024 Website
Michigan 5/16/2024 State Contact Washington
Minnesota 7/22/2024 Website West Virginia
Mississippi Wisconsin 7/30/2024 Website
Missouri Wyoming

If you would like to contribute data to the dashboard, please get in touch.

This material is based upon work supported by the Joint Office of Energy and Transportation through the U.S. Department of Energy’s Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy (EERE) under Award Number DE-EE0010189.

This dashboard was prepared as an account of work sponsored by an agency of the United States Government. Neither the United States Government nor any agency thereof, nor any of their employees, makes any warranty, express or implied, or assumes any legal liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would not infringe privately owned rights. Reference herein to any specific commercial product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favoring by the United States Government or any agency thereof. The views and opinions of authors expressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States Government or any agency thereof.