The National Electric Vehicle Infrastructure (NEVI) Formula Program provides $5 billion via formula to State Departments of Transportation to support publicly available EV charging along federally designated Alternative Fuel Corridors. If the designated alternative fuel corridors in a state have been fully built out (as determined by the state and certified by the U.S. Secretary of Transportation), states may use the remaining funds for EV charging at any publicly accessible location. The NEVI Formula Program funds may be used for purchase and installation, maintenance and operations for up to five years, traffic control devices (signage) and on-premises signs, development phase activities, and mapping and analysis. Projects supported under the program require 20% non-federal cost-share. Under the NEVI Formula Program, states are required to submit a plan to U.S. DOT describing how the state intends to use funds under the program for each fiscal year.
NEVI Formula Program Guidance: On June 2, 2023, the U.S. Departments of Energy and Transportation released guidance on the program. The Federal Highway Administration (FHWA) maintains a NEVI Formula Program Q&A resource, that was last updated December 11, 2024.
NEVI Formula Program Standards: The Joint Office of Energy and Transportation released minimum standards and requirements related to the installation, operation, and maintenance of EV chargers; interoperability; traffic control devises and on-premises signage; data; network connectivity, and information on EV charging infrastructure locations, pricing, real-time availability, and accessibility through mapping applications.
On December 11, 2024, FHWA announced slight revisions to the Fully Built Out Certification of its NEVI guidance. The revisions provide more flexibility so states can begin working on EV charging infrastructure beyond their Alternative Fuel Corridors—accelerating progress in building out their EV charging networks. The revisions expand criteria for “creditable” electric vehicle charging stations for States to qualify for fully built out certification; and clarify eligibility for Level 2, medium- and heavy-duty, and off-corridor EV charging infrastructure projects after achieving fully built out certification.
This page contains a collection of tools and resources for state agencies to track the implementation of the NEVI Formula Program in states throughout the U.S. If you have any feedback and suggestions, please get in touch.
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